Sunday, September 6, 2009

Major Catchin'UP

December 2008 Gathering of the clan:

darling daughters fresh in from Hawaii and Chicago, complete with beaus,

We even had an Alaska contingent --Sylvia and Lucy came down for the occasion. I was so excited to have everybody together. It happens so rarely. We rode the steam train at Roaring Camp in Felton one day.

Since this was in December, Santa was up at the top of the ride. It was chilly--especially for Angie and Mike just in from Maui.

The next day we all wandered around Carmel, then ate at a nice restaurant there that Deb knew about.

We had this whole dining room to ourselves! We celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas and my birthday all in one during this brief 4 days. We went to Margaritaville the night before Josh and Liv, Mike, Sylvia and Lucy flew out.

During this visit, Josh asked Gary for his blessing to marry Liv--unbeknownst to her. So all of us gradually were let into the secret and we started waiting to get a phone call from her after that, telling us that she was officially engaged. It was a delicious anticipation that was set in motion.

Angie stayed on a few extra days and we went with Gary, Deb and Parker to the new SF Academy of Sciences with its Rainforest Exhibit and lots more. This is the living roof of the place.

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