Monday, October 20, 2008

happy, happy birthday, baby

My Livie was out for a visit just before her birthday during the end of September and the beginning of October. She is now the age of the 10th prime number..... I had to say that cause Al Kelley mentioned prime numbers three times during his father of the bride speech on October 4 and I thought that it was very cute. It was great to have Livs around for several days this time. Incredible to reflect how thirty-one years ago my life was transformed by her arrival. I remember holding her in a rocking chair once, after she was about a month old, and imagining how if a bear were to suddenly come (into the living room, I guess) and threaten her, I would jump up and face that bear. Weird image to suddenly get while peacefully rocking a sleeping infant....? So here is one of the shots of little Liv, who my obstetrician said ought to be a Gerber baby or something, she was so adorable. Can't you just see her personality already?

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