Monday, September 7, 2009

Pre-planning , Parties prior, Preparation for the nuPtials..

July 2009: Livie's Bridal Shower

Josh and Liv make a splendid match. The pre-wedding events and preparations were, basically, just a series of performance art pieces. Starting with the Save the Date postcard, above.

Felicia, Judy, Beth and Lucile hosted a beautiful shower for Liv. Josh and Diane flew in with her, and Angie came over from Hawaii.   Liv had rooms at a splendid little B&B that is a hidden gem.  We made a practice run to the SF flower market and bought buckets of beautiful blossoms and then practiced doing artsy things. with them.  Wendy and Nadia drove down for the event, too. Diane and the several girls's moms who are teachers got down with the shop talk instantly.
Later that night, we had a big dinner up at Boulder Creek out under the stars. There were some mosquitos, but also protection in the form of electric zappers and a screen tent. There was a huge long table with people sitting cheek by jowl. It was a dream come true for me. I always imagine sharing the beauty of this homestead with loads of friends and family, but we live all over the place, so it doesn't happen often.

April 2009
Quick weekend in town for our Chicago kids to sample the food and get things prepared for the August wedding, which will be at Chaminade. Ceremony outside, then walk up to the reception. Very wise choice!

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