Friday, April 4, 2008

A Visit From Livie

Last weekend was a special treat, cause I spent it with daughter Olivia, who flew in from Chicago for a special friend's baby shower. That would be Lisa, the barefoot and pregnant one in the middle of the group. We had a little technology session, getting to be a standard feature of any family visit wherein a member of the younger generation gives some important usage tips to a member of the older generation. I do this with my mom when I visit her, and my girls do it with me when we get some time together. Livie and Laura had a nesting theme for the shower. And there had to be cupcakes, one of Livie's new passions. I instantly booked a visit to Chicago this summer after she left. I am becoming one of those caricatures--mothers who just can't get enough time with the kids. How did that happen? Life is just full of these little ironic twists. You just gotta laugh.

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